1. Create a better weekly routine. Rosemary and I had a great thing going before morning sickness hit me over the head and I spent most of this past year either sick or exhausted and it's time to get back into a good routine. This includes giving Rosemary more responsibilities including making her bed and brushing her teeth on her own every morning.
2. Add more physical activities to our daily routine. I'm going to start back on my almost-daily walks, find some sort of structured activity for Rosemary (I've looked into dance classes and gymnastics and am leaning toward the gymnastics for starters), and planning at least one activity for the whole family to do together on weekends, be it hikes, theme parks, or even just a day at the playground.
3. Stick to our budget. It is very important to me for our children to learn to be responsible and understand the value of a dollar. Last year I went a little nuts in the spending department and realized it wasn't setting the best example. I think this is going to be the most difficult resolution to stick to because I've gotten used to our almost daily Target retail therapy outings (hey, with a colicky newborn you'll do almost anything to get out of the house!). Hopefully it'll help me stick to the resolution to be more active. I can substitute walks and playground trips for the Target excursions and lunches out.
Some highlights of 2010:
- Finding out I was pregnant, finding out it was a boy, and giving birth! That was definitely the biggie of the year!
- Ryan and Carrie's wedding. Joe and I love spending time with the Brown's. We're still working on a way of officially becoming part of that family, but I'm pretty sure the next generation will find a way of making it happen.
- Trip to Ohio for Jess's wedding. It made me miss the hell out of her but also reminded me that there are awesome people in my life that will always be there, even if we don't get to be together often. Terra and Malachite joined us and Rosemary loved spending time with Malachite!
- Michelle's wedding 3 weeks postnatal. I honestly wasn't sure if I'd make it, but I'm so glad I did! This was another wedding that helped me to realize that people are in my life for a reason.
- Trip to Disney with a newborn. This was a much needed weekend getaway after 2 months of colic!
- Christmas with my family. That's always an important part of the year, made extra special by the fact that there were 3 grandkids there this year.
Things to look forward to in 2011:
- All of Xander's firsts (crawling, walking, birthday, etc)
- Rosemary will be starting preschool next fall!
- Getting my car paid off!
- Hoping for Joe's next big promotion at work.
- I'm planning on spending about a month this summer with my parents.
I also set a goal for myself- I want to learn how to play kid's songs on the guitar! Rosemary got a guitar from my parents for Christmas and I want to be able to play She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain on it. Rosemary loves that song and I need a new hobby that doesn't cost money so that's my personal goal!!