What a perfect weekend! Rosemary started soccer, we met friends for brunch, went to our first Fall Fest of the year, and spent lots of fun time with the family! Here are some pics from this weekend's festivities!
Here's my girl in her adorable jersey and soccer gear! I have never been more proud of her in her entire life than I was on Saturday! She ran right out on the field and had the time of her life! I have never seen her take to something so quickly. I think she might be a natural!

Look at that kick! Right in the goal! Thatta girl!

The huddle was the cutest thing I've ever seen. A bunch of 3 and 4 year-olds shouting "GALAXY!" That's their team name. Perfect for our little science buff. I swear this whole soccer thing is kismet. She is in her element!

And of course we treated her to some cotton candy on the way home!

Here are the kids and I at the Horsepower for Kids Fall Fest pumpkin patch. It might be the only picture I have where all of us are looking at the camera!

This was Xander's first hayride!

I love this sweet picture of the kids!

Is he not the cutest little man ever? He had so much fun running around the farm. He really liked the animals and the dirt and even tried feeding the llama! I am so smitten with this little guy!

There were a lot of cool things to do there. Rosemary rode a pony, climbed a haystack, went through a hay maze, and we found this cool rope bridge she walked across. I think both kids loved it out there today!

Next week we have a lot more fun fall activities planned! More pumpkin patches, Halloween parties, and who knows what else! I love this time of year!