Time is once again passing me by. I don't know where this year has gone. I literally blinked after Rosemary started school and we had Halloween, Thanksgiving, and my baby girl turned 4! Here is just a small recap of some of the events of the past month. They are not even the most important- just the ones I had ready access to pictures of. There will be a post coming about Rosemary's birthday as soon as Joe gets pictures uploaded. I have LOTS to say about that! In the meantime, here's a snippet of the goings on in the B family!
Rosemary's first boyfriend came over one Friday night while his mom had plans she had to attend to. I had so much fun watching the two of them play. First, they gleaned the lemons off my tree...
then we juiced them...
and then we enjoyed some fresh lemonade!
We also had pictures taken. It donned on me that in the four years that we've been a family with kids, we have never had a professional picture taken. In fact Joe and I haven't had a professional picture since our wedding almost 10 years ago. It was time. We got all prettied up and went down to University of Tampa for a portrait session. They turned out pretty amazing thanks to Courtney Vickers Photography.

Since we were already down there, we decided to make an evening out of it. We first went ice skating at Curtis Hixon Park. It was such a beautiful set up! I hung out with Xander while Joe and Rosemary performed unbelievable feats on ice :)
We went to a Thanksgiving playdate at a friend's house. We made turkey centerpieces out of rocks. It turned out super cute. I didn't get a picture of the finished product and it's already packed away for next year, but take my word, it was cute!
One weekend we decided to head to Busch Gardens to put our passes to use before they expire. Rosemary rode her first roller coaster! She liked it so much that she did it again- and requested the front seat! I love my little risk taker!
On Thanksgiving day we did a Turkey Trot (ran a 5K). The funniest part was that they gave out free cakes! I chose a turkey cake. It cracks me up!
My favorite new Thanksgiving tradition this year was our Thankful Tree. I put it up on the first day of November and every day Joe, Rosemary, and myself had to write down one thing we were thankful for that day. We could not repeat anything. It started off "Rosemary is thankful for her toys" and escalated to "Rosemary is thankful for ballet and God." I will definitely be doing this again next year!
We bought a brand new dining room during the Thanksgiving sales. The kids helped put it together. Rosemary was surprisingly a big help. Xander, not so much.
One of my new Christmas crafts is this felt Christmas tree. It was such a good idea in theory. I first put it up with sticky tack. That lasted all of 5 minutes. Then I tried using thumb tacks, but Xander kept pulling it off the wall- tree and tack- so that didn't work. Finally I just staple gunned it on the wall. Xander still pulls and tugs at it and pulls all the ornaments off every time he walks by it. So, not so much of a hit this year. Maybe next year it will work out better!
I promise there is SO much more going on, but that's all I had pictures for tonight!