We finally got home from our Thanksgiving in Jax with my parents and in-laws and our early-Christmas celebration in West Virginia with my sister and family. I just finished downloading 155 pictures. There's no way I'd be able to put up all the pictures so I chose just a few from Thanksgiving for now. It was a really nice Thanksgiving. As always my mom went all out with the dinner. This year, however, she had some help. Here's a picture of Rosemary rolling out the pie crust.

While the food was cooking, my mom, mother-in-law, and I made Rosemary a candy cane tutu! I've been wanting to get one made for this year. Rosemary loved it! Here she is spinning! Oh- and we had enough tulle leftover so we made her a bow for her hair, too.

My mom, the genius that she is, also made us these adorable turkey aprons. She didn't use a pattern, she just made them up herself. I think she needs to sell them next year.

We all ate WAY too much food, watched lots of Lifetime Christmas movies, and did nothing but relax. Rosemary loved the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade- she started clapping when Santa came on!

After the Thanksgiving celebration settled down, Joe, Rosemary, my mom, my dad, and I all made ourselves very comfortable in their minivan and drove up to West Virginia to meet Malachite. Pictures from that adventure will come next. I need to go rest!
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