I'm 0 for 3 in trying to find something active and fun to entertain Rosemary with this week. Yesterday I took her to the new childrens museum. We've been to similar places and she always enjoys them so I went ahead and bought an annual pass. Big waste of money there. The only thing she enjoyed was walking up the spiral staircase that led from one floor to another. After going from one exhibit to another and getting the same reaction-a very blase "eh" as though she is too good for it, I decided to take her out and have a picnic. Sunshine and fresh air on a beautiful day should perk her up, right? Well, you can see by the picture that she loved that a whole bunch. Actually, that probably was the highlight of the day. Because after lunch we walked down to the waterfront playground. What child doesn't like a playground? Um, that would be mine. As soon as she saw that there were no swings she threw herself on the astroturf, if that's what it was, and refused to get up. First I want to paint an accurate picture of this scenario. Xander, who was being a little angel all day, was happily chilling out in the baby bjorn. I was also carrying a 50 pound double diaper bag (this might be a slight exaggeration, but I know it weighs more than Xander who had his 4 month checkup today and is 14 lb, 6 oz). So now I had to pick up my 34 pound, tantrum throwing, three year old and walk from the waterfront to the fourth floor of the parking garage through downtown Tampa. That was fun. NOT. Then today I wanted to get out and do something fun so went to Mc D's for lunch. The one by us has a really nice indoor play place and since it was supposed to rain all day, which it hasn't, I wanted something inside. So we get our food, enjoy a nice lunch, and then I tell her that we can play now. That resulted in her sitting next to me and pouting.
After a couple failed attempts at encouraging her to go play, I finally once again had to pick her up and carry her out of there. Apparently my child thinks she's too good for a state of the art, brand new childrens museum, a playground, and McD's playplace.
So we get home and I am so frustrated that I just explode. I not so nicely express my frustration that my child doesn't know how to play like a child and ask her what she does want to do. Her response? Watch a movie. I remember back when she was about 6 months old when I vowed that my child was not going to be a couch potato. I'm not sure what happened to that vow. So now we are watching tv, playing dressup, and brushing a My Little Pony. But at least neither of us are screaming or crying. And at least she's not just staring at the tv. I would like her to run around and get some exercise, but I guess this will have to do for now.
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I can't believe she didn't like the playground! This weather is gorgeous - that's something I'd like to do myself! :) I hope that you find some kind of outdoor activity that she likes to do so she gets some fresh air. But I'm so glad that Xander feels well enough now that you can be out and about and do fun things as a family!
ReplyDeleteIf I'm not mistaken, that museum is by the Tampa museum of Art? We went to TMOA last year, and while that particular museum was just okay to me, I loved the surrounding area. Sorry the day didn't go as planned....
ReplyDeleteYeah, the Glazer Children's Museum. I honestly wasn't that impressed by it, either, but I think it's just because Rosemary was in such a bad mood. I'm hoping next time we go will be better and maybe we'll both feel differently about it. She loves G-Wiz in Sarasota and Great Explorations in St. Pete and I thought it'd be more like them, but it was kind of spread out. Hopefully she'll like it because we bought those damn passes.
ReplyDeleteOh, and Michelle, she does love the outfit! See?! That's actually the only thing she didn't throw a fit about yesterday. She also slept in the pants and wore them again today. She REALLY likes that outfit. lol So, thank you for giving me the only good part of my day :)
ReplyDeleteIt looks so cute on her!! Yay!