My little boy is already six months old! I can't believe an entire half a year has gone by. He is definitely showing signs of a personality and meeting more and more milestones. Here are some of my favorite things about my little guy right now:
- He LOVES to smile! He looks so serious when he's not smiling and then BAM! his whole face lights up. You should see him when his daddy gets home! He loves me lots, but he is definitely a daddy's boy. Joe came home late tonight and he was craning his little head to see his daddy when he heard his voice. It is so sweet! I know it makes Joe feel good after a long day!
- He is sitting up all on his own. He's getting so strong. He's also mastering the art of gripping things. He looks like a little drunk. It's so funny. He'll pass things from one hand to the other and focus so intently on it. I'm seeing the little lights go off in his brain when he learns something new for the first time.
- He's really into books. He loves listening in when I'm reading to Rosemary and tries to pick the pictures off the pages. Right now he seems to be really liking a plush, fabric book we have about farm animals. He laughs when I make the animal noises. It was one of Rosemary's favorite books at that age, too.
- Everything goes into his mouth. I have to be really careful what toys Rosemary plays with around him because she has lots of little pieces and parts.
- He loves his big sister. She is so good with him and he loves her so much. He gives her the funniest looks when she's being silly, sort of like "What are you doing, big sister?" and then he'll start giggling. They take baths together now, which is awesome. I put him in his bumbo seat in the tub and then they entertain each other. He loves Rosemary's Boots toy from Dora and will chew on it during most of the bath.
- He loves being tickled!
- He's happy in our little blue swing on our swingset. It makes it so much easier to play with Rosemary outside. I wrap a towel around him for extra padding and just push him enough so the swing sways a little and then I can give her more attention, which is very important right now!
- He still loves the parachute at our Baby and Me class. He's also really starting to love watching the bubbles and will crane his neck to look at them and he's just started reaching out to them.
- He's spending more time out of my arms. Whereas he used to be in my arms about 20 hours a day, he'll now be happy playing in the exersaucer while I drink my morning coffee (probably the best thing to happen since he's been born!), or in the swing outside, or in the pack n play, and most thankfully, he'll now ride in the stroller during our walks. He's getting big and it was starting to become a little inconvenient carrying him in the baby bjorn for our neighborhood walks. I still carry him most of the time when we're out of the house, but it's so nice that I can now put him down for little bits of time and he'll entertain himself. He is way more into his rattles and toys than Rosemary was, so it's usually pretty easy to distract him and keep him entertained. I even have people come up and tell me what an easy-going and sweet baby he is. I just smile and say "thank you" all the while thinking, "you should have seen him a couple months ago!"
- He's eaten rice cereal, pears, sweet potatoes, and peas.
We have his 6 month appointment next week (after a trip to Disney this weekend with my parents) so I'll update with height and weight once I find out!
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